Teddy Bear Adventure PreK Camp

Join us for a delightful teddy bear adventure! Make sure to pack your little one's favorite teddy bear for a week filled with fun challenges and exciting adventures. Let's create unforgettable memories together! Date: 7/15 - 7/18 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Ages: 3-6 years old Cost: $150/week | $40/day

Cheernastics Prek Camp

Has your child always wanted to be a cheerleader or are they an aspiring gymnast? This camp will combine cheer and gymnastics for a week of tumbling, jumping, stunting, beams, and bars! Date: 8/5 - 8/8 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Ages: 3-6 years old Cost: $150/week | $40/day

Art Attack PreK Camp

Each day of art camp the kids will have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and explore different art techniques in a supportive and encouraging environment. By the end of the week, the children will not only have a collection of fantastic artwork to take home but also wonderful memories of a fun and enriching...